
Showing posts from September 6, 2019

Konservasi Laut

1.       Apa tujuan konservasi di laut? “Konservasi dilakukan untuk menjaga kesehatan laut, meningkatkan produktivitas perikanan, mempertahankan spesies tertentu, mengurangi tekanan pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan yang berlebihan, memulihkan kembali sumber daya ikan, konservasi akan berdampak pada keanekaragaman hayati, ketahanan pangan, dan kesejahteraan.” Achieving healthy oceans, productive fisheries, the survival of our species , and the prosperity of the country (Senator Ted Steven, 2016, ). Committed to sustaining fish populations, healthy marine ecosystems and fishing communities, ending overfishing, rebuilding fish populations , fostering a fisheries management system that protects vibrant marine ecosystems, and the thriving local communities that depend on them (Jessica Pollett, 2017, ) Maintain a healthy and productive marine e...